FIPS CARES: Cute Couple Needs Apartment *Without* Roommates Having Loud Sex In It

FIPS cares! (really...we do).
Ok everyone, listen up! We have our first FIPS CARES community assignment. Why the fuck should you care? Cause maybe we'll be helping your ass next.
*Lily and Max (*names have been changed to protect the innocent) REALLY need a new apartment.
They currently share a Brownstone with a bunch of other peeps, and well...Read on:
I miss the days when I could come home at 3am and make mac & cheese in my underwear, you know? And we can hear it when the roommates have sex...which made me think they can probably can hear it when we have sex. Eww.
Maybe I'm just getting too old to do the roommate thing and still live with my boyfriend? (ed note: uhm...yeah...probs)
What we're looking for is something around $2k (but preferably something closer to $1,800) for either a large 1bd (or pref a 2bd, tiny little dog allowed) between Sterling and 14th St and between the borders of 4th/5th ave and PPW. Also, just to be the pickiest human being alive I would like to throw in that we really can't do a broker fee and we would strongly prefer a brownstone to an apartment building because I don't want to give up having a stoop to sit on in summer.
Our friends have a sweet basement-level walk-through with a backyard on 2nd st and 8th Ave and are paying around that, so I know it's possible. Its just going to be the type of situation where its a "by owner" rental and the owners probably live in the brownstone or something. Maybe someone is moving out soon and wants to pass long their deal?
We probably couldn't get everything together to move until March 1 at the earliest, as we would need to give 30 days notice and I need a little time to save for moving since this bee in my bonet is recent. That being said - we have an open-ended lease right now, so we could leave anytime after 30 days as well. Maybe someone is planning on moving in April, May, or June and we could make this whole transaction seamless and they would never even have to take out an ad? That would be ideal.
Ok, people: whatcha got!? Please save us the snarky ass responses like "uhm, look on craigslist"...they're looking. BUT, as we all know, landlords only typically advertise places for the following month...AND ALSO there's a load of crap on there.
Who do you know? Where are these adorable hipsters gonna live? Let's fuckin R-E-P-R-E-S-E-N-T.
Leave any tips in the comments below, or feel free to email us directly at effedinparkslope dot gmail dot com.
(Stay tuned for more FIPS CARES dilemmas).