Yogis Take Over The Brooklyn Museum

Photo via Well + Good NYC
My Yoga experiences range from falling asleep for a few hours per week in child’s pose for easy college credits to bending and flexing my body into impossible positions in a 105 degree room, completely covered in sweat. Not my sweat, mind you. It was that of a large moist man who leered at my swamp-ass while in the midst of downward dogging.
I’m sure, however, that there are plenty of people who thoroughly enjoy yoga and have had wonderful experiences. So for all you Yogis -- Grab your biodegradable hemp mats and high tail your little spandexed asses over to the Brooklyn Museum, because they are hosting a series of Yoga events unlike any other!
Beginning this Sunday the Brooklyn Museum will house three Yoga classes in July conducted by renowned yoga instructors Elena Brower (Anusara), Nikki Costello (Iyengar) and Kelly Morris (Conquering Lion).
The two hour yoga classes will be held on the fifth-floor Cantor Rotunda as a compliment to the special exhibition of Vishnu: Hinduism's Blue-Skinned Savior and will be included in the $10 museum admission fee.
Here's the Yoga in the Rotunda Series Schedule:
Sunday, July 10 at 2:00 Anusara with Elena Brower
Sunday, July 17 at 2:00 Iyengar with Nikki Costello
Sunday, July 24 at 2:00 Conquering Lion Yoga with Kelly Morris
For more info - wellandgoodnyc.com brooklynmuseum.org
Perhaps I will check it out. Yoga has had the same effect on me as sushi. I want to like it, I really do. I just can't jump on the raw fish/sound body/sound mind love train.
Also, don't be deterred by the poorly Photoshopped picture. I'm fairly certain she has feet.