Woman Attacked in Windsor Terrace Last Night
Posted by:
Kerri |
Monday, October 10, 2011 at 10:09AM

Photo via CBS2
I'm so sick of having to post these kinds of headlines over and over. I really wish all of this would just stop.
Last night yet another woman was groped in Windsor Terrace on Vanderbilt and East 5th. It happened shortly before midnight and sounds like nearly every other attack that's been reported since March. The woman is in her 20's and was approached and groped from behind. She screamed and the suspect fled.
We received an email from FiPS reader and Windsor Terrace rez Cate regarding the incident:
This area had next to NO police presence until tonight - even though there are two dimly lit parks and it's one of the main streets people walk to get to the F/G Ft. Hamilton stop on the other side of the Parkway.
[Via CBS NY]