Windsor Terrace: The Next Food Coop Neighborhood?

Photo via Park Slope Lens
When the Windsor Terrace Key Food closed back in May, local residents were pretty fucked as it was their only grocery store. To recover, some folks in the area are talking about starting up a Food Coop. Jack O'Connell, who has lived in Windor Terrace since '85, is leading the charge toward cheaper cheese and root vegetables. Though 75-ish people have expressed interest, O'Connell tells Windsor Terrace Patch that being interested and actually getting one's shit together to commit are two different things. "It comes down to one basic fact: You have to have community support. You need people with the time and resources to commit to it."
If you live in the area and want to attend the first public meeting, it's happening on Tuesday, 10/23 from 7-8:30PM at Knights of Columbus Hall (1511 10th Avenue).
If they do form a Coop over there, I'll be curious to know what their stance will be on hummus, nannies covering shifts and hooker advertisements.