Who's Down For A Smartmom v. Amy Sohn Jello Wrestling Match?

image via Gothamist
Glad you said it first, Gothamist, because truth be told, we had the same reaction you did upon reading Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn's review of Amy Sohn's Prospect Park West.
This line, in particular, gave us quite a chuckle:
"Is [the book] truthful? The book is filled with cliches about the Bugaboo culture in Park Slope and the parents that live there. And you know what they say about cliches...
In my Smartmom columns, I have written about just about everything Sohn covers in the novel..."
Oh, snap! Man, why did you even b-o-t-h-e-r, Amy? It's ALL been covered already!
Rather than bore you with our querulous take on the matter, I thought the whole thing could easily be summed up with a few choice lines from one of my favorite movies: Heathers.
Veronica Sawyer: Don't talk to me like that, ok.
Heather Duke: Jealous much??
Veronica Sawyer: Why can't you just be a friend? Why do you have to be such a mega-bitch?
Heather Duke: Cuz I can be....

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