Who Gives A Shit: Wax On, Wax Off?

Do you get waxed? If so, where? (and not like WHERE on your body...where in the hood?). We have a FIPS reader in need:
"So my previously beloved bikini waxer at Rompal has taken to talking on her bluetooth during the whole procedure. She's done it twice and has done it with my friend too. She is speaking Russian, so in addition to feeling slighted, I feel paranoid.
Is she talkin' smack about my admittedly long neglected short and curlies? What if the person she is talking to says something shocking, and then she rips the waxing strip off me all crooked in surprise?"
Can someone help a sista out??
[ed note: if you want, I can totes hook you up with Foreign Dude! He can sit out in the waiting room (i.e. with his ear glued to the door) and we can try and uncover whether or not this bitch is making fun of your cooch the whole time??].