Who Gives A Shit?: Valentine's Day Specials

Image via thepilver.wordpress.comPark Slope Valentine’s Day Specials ain’t so special. You can listen to a string instrument while you and your partner turn yourselves into human pretzels or paint pots and sip champagne or simply get rubbed. I certainly don’t want to have to exercise on Valentine’s Day. I’d rather smoke pot than paint one and I’ll rub myself, thank you very much. Really, it’s enough with the coupling specials on V-day!
Reservations for Park Slope restaurants are probably booked up already. If you do manage to get a reservation, there will hardly be any babies out so you won’t even feel like you’re in Park Slope. What’s the point in that?! There’ll be nothing but couples shoving oyster and champagne specials into their pie holes until it’s finally time to relieve their babysitter and take old one eye to the optometrist.
For peeps here at FIPS, Valentine’s Day has always been about the basics - venereal diseases, mickey laced cocktails and the ever popular Fundies.
Is there something we’re missing? Should we give a shit and embrace V-day with all its specials or should we simply get a prescription for that nasty itch down there?