Beware the Poop Geyser by Barclays Center

Rabbi Andy Bachman, of Park Slope's Congregation Beth Elohim, had a rather unfortunate experience while walking past the Atlantic Center on the way home from BAM over the weekend. As he wrote on his blog, Water Over Rocks:
Walking up Flatbush Avenue after an evening viewing of Spike Jonze's clever movie, "Her," I was standing in front of the Atlantic Center with my family when a geyser like spray of fecal urine water shot up from a small metal cover in the sidewalk, soaking me and one of my daughters in a totally disgusting shower of waste. People stopped and gawked in shared disgust. Someone offered a small bottle of Purell. In order to ward off a brief spell of insanity, we considered laughing. But then we just decided to head home, clean our clothes, and bathe.
Shower of waste, people. Shower. Of. Waste.
When I contacted Rabbi Bachman for further intel, he said his wife overheard a fireman say he didn't think it could be poop, "but as you can imagine, we didn't want to wait around for testing."