Who Gives A Shit?: The Summer Camp Conundrum
Have you noticed the unusually pained expressions on the faces of Park Slope breeders lately? Here's why. Even though it's the dead of winter, it's time to start thinking about where to send your kids for summer camp. You might think, "What's the big deal? Pick a place and be done with it!" But for many parents in the 'hood, it's not enough to pick one great camp. For many mini Slope-sters, it's all about which week you're going to which camp. One week it's theater camp, the next it's science camp, the next it's gardening camp, the next it's textile camp...and so on, and so on.
So, riddle me this: How do your kids roll when it comes to summer camp? One camp and that's it, or the sampler platter?
(Bonus info: For those parents who are new to the game, this Saturday, over 50 camps will be at the Schools Out: Camp and Afterschool Expo at P.S. 321 from 2:00 - 5:00 pm.)
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