Image via well.blogs.nytimes.comWell, that was a tease. Those three days of gorgeous, summer-like weather earlier this week were brief but glorious. However, for some people, there is immense dread that comes with the onset of warm weather. For these folks, all the joy that comes with sunny, blue skies is torched and ruined when they see you walking around the city streets wearing flip flops on your nasty feet. The flip flop hater brigade is growing. I know there are at least
two members of the FIPS whack pack who start feeling all murdery-y when they see your cracked heels and ingrown toenails just hanging out for all the world to see (and watch you pick on the subway -- okay that is really gross). Lucky for them, if the
extended forecast is an accurate indication, we're not coming close to those high temps again until at least the end of the month. Which gives us plenty of time to see who wins this debate in our fair neighborhood, at least. So, tell us, are you Team Flip Flop or Team Flip Not?
[Side note: To find a photo for this post I googled "ugly feet in flip flops." DO NOT DO THIS. EVER.]
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