Who Gives A Shit: "That's So Gay"
Posted by:
Erica |
Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 12:46AM

Inspired by this Jezebel article (and the Simpsons ep) we've got another simple question: Do you think its offensive to say "that's so gay"? (And follow up: Do you say it?)
That's it.
Again, answer in the comments (and feel free to go stealth anon if you want some priv-ass-y).
Who Gives A Shit

Reader Comments (21)
that's why they invented ghey
Fuck that shit, just having to ask a pc question like that is gayer than Gaylord Gayerson.
I do say it and I have said since before I knew what gay was. I even said it to a gay person (rest his soul) and he didn't give a fuck.
Nah. My dad is gay, and even though I don't think he cares, I do. I don't get mad when anyone else says it, but I personally don't use it. "Fag" is much more bothersome...
Meh... I don't use it, 'cause I'm from Florida and the term really never made it out there...."Dude" did.
As a fellow gay, I don't think it is offensive; I don't think Fag or Faggot are offensive either... Anytime the BF shows up with candles, or cake mix, or new gay sandals I call him a Fag...maybe I should say "that's so gay" and he won't cry as much.
It is 100% absolutely not acceptable for anyone to use the word "gay" in that manner.
It's not a joke how we refer to our fellow humans. Degradation is only brings us all down.
You know what? Fuck it, I DO think it's offensive some of the time. The times I find it offensive are when people use "gay" as a synonym for stupid or wrong or whatever. Now, when someone does something stereotypically homosexual and a person goes, "Dude, that's gay as fuck," I tend to find it funny. The difference is the whole equation of gay with bad awful disgusting things. I figure, how tolerant can we really be if we're still using a word that's supposedly a factual description of a sexual orientation as a synonym for things that are considered terrible?
I'm sure the hate mail will rain down in fiery hordes now, but fuck it, I don't care.
No one needs to get worked up over this. The word gay is a homonym. Originally used to mean someone is happy or joyful. Then used to describe homos. Then turned around to be negative because of man's own insecurities. 'Gay' has been in use like this forever and I say it all the time and in every context. When I dislike something and say "it's gay" I'm in no way referring to homos, I just mean that I don't like whatever it is I'm talking about. Gay has several different meanings just like so many other words in the English language. If you're so offended by trivial things like this, then you ought to take a step out from your own shoes and take a look at the mess you are. I may even go as far to say that you should just off yourself since you're using up earth's resources that other people more confident with themselves could be using....How about a blog topic about world overpopulation?
I say it all the time. it's awesome
"degradation brings us all down!"
how cute!
"Gay" is a great part of the vernacular and none of the fags I know even care when it's thrown around. If you want to be really sensitive about it, you can specify by adding, "(in the pejorative sense)," so there's no confusion about sexuality.
As in, "Vegans are gay, in the pejorative sense." No meat-eating homo could be offended by that.
Everyone obviously likes it. They keep stealing it from each other. It could just contain all it's meanings at once. That's pretty diplomatic, right? Gay: A jovial, homosexual, lame being or thing.
Burkelee Carroll is 100% gay
... but not out yet...
haha.... Burkelee Carroll is so gay.
but don't leave us. your entertainment is outstanding.
Its entirely offensive and should not be used in that context.
-Local Fag
That guy's shirt is so gay, Liberace is bound to crawl out of his tomb to wave yoo hoo! You have to acknowledge that a strait guy is admitting that he qualifies as one experienced in evaluating all matters in the fact as to if they are considered gay or not. This takes a level of security in one's own sexual stance. Those who are not secure, tend to default to their usual armementarium of derogative terms...and gets their face readjusted by a gay guy in a paisely pink rolled-up top, who hits the gym eight times a week. Justice is swift and without mercy in NYC.
It's still gay but now it's soooooo hurts.
The gay dudes i know aren't really gay. They're just regular guys who fuck each other, figure out relationship problems with fist fights, and think other gay guys are faggots. So yeah, it's okay to call gay shit gay.
I dunno, the gays I know use it. Also fag, homo, etc. So...
means we would have to start thinking about "that sucks." dammit.
sucks what?
is there a benign origin or something? "...the life out of"
i think you can only use it if you are gay yourself and are reclaiming the word or something. otherwise, back off cause you sound like a homophobe.
-local lesbian