Who Gives A Shit: Spoiler Alerts (Also, Matthew is dead)
Posted by:
Karen |
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 12:00PM

For obsessive TV watchers like most of us here at FiPS, the DVR is the greatest invention of the last decade. The biggest downside is that there are people who think just because they won't have the chance to watch something when it airs, everybody needs to be super-cautious on social media so as not to ruin it for them. This week's Downton Abbey brought out the worst of this kind of bullshit. I actually had one Twitter friend write this:
So here’s the thing. I’m out of town away from TV. Something big is happening on #Downton tonight. Keep it to yourselves, OK?
Seriously, how about you stay off the internet? Oh, and yeah, California, time zones, yada-yada-yada. Who cares.
What do you guys think? Let's hear it in the comments.