Who Gives A Shit: Aunt Suzie's Is A Mafia Hangout?
Posted by:
Erica |
Monday, January 24, 2011 at 12:00AM

image via Grub Street
I missed the news segment last week that attempted to connect Park Slope eatery Aunt Suzie's with the mafia, so I don't have the details. However, I do know this: Aunt Suzie's is gross. I've been there twice, and twice the food has been screamingly mediocre.
So without any details or proof, I gotta say: it's not hard for me to believe that there is *some* sort of mafia connection with this joint, otherwise how the hell are they still in business?
Though, in truth: if I were asked to guess which spot in town is likeliest to be hooked in with the mafia, my answer would be Tonios times a million billion. I happen to love that place, however:
- I never hear/see anyone discussiing Tonio's either online or off.
- Anytime we go there, it's pretty much totally empty.
- All the waiters are always wearing dress shirts/bowties. Again, for a restaurant that is usually empty, it's pretty damn formal.
- The owner always comes around to each table to say hello and shmooze a bit...JUST LIKE ARTIE BUCCO ON THE SOPRANOS.
Anyway, did anyone see the Aunt Suzie's story? What's the dealio?
Who Gives A Shit,

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