Who Gives A Shit?: April Fool's Day

Last week, I noticed this Buzzfeed post with a list of all different kinds of April Fool's Day prank ideas to play on your kids. The only one that actually made me laugh was this one:
But most of the suggestions seemed like way too much work. Like telling your kids you made them a tray of brownies, but then when they lift the tinfoil off the pan, they find a bunch of E's you cut out of brown construction paper. Or freezing their bowl of cereal the night before. Or making jello and pretending it's a glass of juice.
There's also this fun list from digitaltrends.com of "high tech" pranks you can perpetrate on your office mates, because hooking up a blue tooth to a colleague's phone won't make you seem like a total asshole, I'm sure.
Where do you stand on April Fool's Day? Oh, and look out, there's a spider on your head!