Whassup: September's Rear End Edition

By the time the next Whassup rolls around, we will all be hip deep in cloth scraps as we furiously construct the most original Halloween costume ever, ever made ever. Or, perhaps, instead, just eating Snickers after Snickers and buying a wolfman mask or something. Either way, September has nearly ended, which means the annual tradition of waking Billie Joe Armstrong up can soon proceed. But you, fair Park Slopers, must still wring what life you can out of this Septemberiest of months. Welcome to Whassup: September's Rear End Edition:
* Thursday, Sept. 26-Sunday, Sept. 29: Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival, Union Hall and Bell House: Eugene Mirman, emperor of the Park Slope comedy scene, will again bestow his gifts of comic festivalyness upon us all. Un-sold-out shows (so far) include "Invite Them Up!" with Todd Barry and Michael Ian Black at Bell House on Friday and the hilariously named "Comics Marc Maron Will Probably Resent in the Next Couple of Years" at Union Hall, also on Friday. I say it's hilarious because I think that must include every comedian not named Marc Maron (and probably him, too). Prices and show times vary.
* Friday, Sept. 27: Two-Book Minimum, Community Bookstore: Bookstores can be stolid affairs: all that serious literature, the still-resonant voices of long-dead genius moldering within the pages, the awareness that Amazon and iPads are driving you out of business. So, this new comedy series, set for the last Friday of every month at Community Bookstore, seems like a welcome jolt of jollity. Comedians will tell jokes, naturally, but will also be "required to mention a few books that shaped those stories and jokes," according to the show's press. "Required?" Yikes, a little school-marmy, but I suppose that makes sense for a bookstore. Dan Wilbur (creator of Better Book Titles and a Community employee) and Ross Hyzer (New Yorker contributor) host. This month's comedians are Mike Drucker, Elliott Kalan and Alison Leiby. (Note: it's just a clever show name: you do not have to buy two books.) 9:30pm, FREE.
* Sunday, Sept. 29: Atlantic Antic, Atlantic Ave.: Get one last jolt of summer festival flavor before you spend the next month refining your Halloween costume. The Atlantic Antic is NYC's biggest street fair, now entering its 39th year, making it nearly twice as old as most current Williamsburg residents. The avenue will echo with the sounds of tons of bands, vendors and jostling bodies. You'll probably eat so much and buy so much that it will feel like some sort of capitalist accomplishment, which is something, after all.
* Tuesday, Oct. 1: Punderdome, Littlefield: The puns will ride again. The father-daughter team behind this whirling dervish of an amateur punning show are set to fill Littlefield once again. Get there early for prime Payday-catching seats (you'll understand if you go). 8pm, $6-$7.
* Wednesday, Oct. 2: Homecoming Dance, Littlefield: Recall those days of hormone-fueled acne outbreaks with a real, old-fashioned homecoming dance. Hosted by young adult lit mag One Teen Story, the night will also feature the adorkable musical stylings of TIGER BEAT, a band comprised of YA authors. And if that's not precious enough for you, just know that a Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned -- based on the totally un-cliquey method of a raffle. Heathers be damned! Proceeds go to support One Teen Story's publication. 7pm, $20.
* COMING UP: Bacon Takedown, Bell House: Tickets are coming soon for the Oct. 19 (Saturday) show, and these things always sell out -- because, BACON. Also, entries are open, so you can write to Takedown maven Matt Timms to try your cooking skills out on 15 lbs of Hormel Black Label Bacon. Here's how the event works: people make things with bacon. Audience members eat those things. Audience members vote on winners. Audience members slip into blissful food comas and then die happy. Don't miss it!
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