Wedding Crashers: A Wedding Fair For Cool Brides

Wedding fairs normally suck ass.
Trust me: I used to own a wedding related biz, and I've been to every single one of those bitches. There's usually lots of lame vendors, with all the same tired ideas you've seen and heard about a million times before.
This is why I'm SO excited about Wedding Crashers! Put together by the fabulous ladies of Brooklyn Based, Wedding Crashers is a wedding fair for you...and me (well me, if I wasn't already married)...and all the brides-to-be who aren't into planning a totally boring and predictable shindig. There are 30+ unique, Brooklyn-centric vendors, amazing speakers (like Vané Broussard of Brooklyn Bride, Dorothy McGivney, Editor of, and Melinda Morris of Lion in the Sun), and a shitload of awesome prizes (HELLO $250 J Crew gift Card and private shopping event? Yes, please; Buenos Dias $500 Gap Adventures travel voucher); and waaay more where that came from.
So yeah, if you're a bride-to-be and you're trying plan a unique, special, non-lame, non-cookie cutter wedding, you should get your ass to Wedding Crashers, this Saturday, January 9, from 10:30am to 5pm at the Bell House.
I'm serious, people.
Buy your tix here ($40 for full day and $20 for a half day).
Oh yeah, and Mazel Tov, bitches!