[Video]: The Slope Takes on "Primary Care Givers"

Our favorite neighborhood web series The Slope, whose second episode made us shit our pants last summer, takes their latest webisode to Tea Lounge, wherein a hilarious Michael Showalter nails the liberal laissez faire Park Slope parenting worthy of Portlandia-style parody.
He portrays the role of "active male primary care giver" to his young daughter Hazel, which makes one of the lesbian stars of the series want to "fornicate with men again." It's an all-too-familiar scene: a child running amok as her over-indulgent parent boasts about the kid "claiming her own emotions" and marveling at her "spirited inner core."
The hypocrisy of going apoplectic over the prospect of his child eating a muffin, yet filling her with coffee all day is not lost on this viewer. And true to our tree-lined streets, the African American nanny is left cleaning up the piss. Literally. For a good laugh -- and cry at our state of affairs -- gather your friends and lay your bespectacled peepers on this clip. But be warned, it's BYO Swiss Chard.