Tragic death of 22 year old Park Slope aspiring actress

Photo credit: Stephan Yang/NYPost.comThis week in fucking terrible, senseless death, the body of a young woman was found on the subway tracks at the Canal Street station. Emily Singleton was 22, living in Park Slope, studying acting at NYU and working at a clothing store. As reported by the NY Post:
A straphanger spotted Singleton’s body on the tracks in the Canal Street station Sunday afternoon.
Singleton — who lived in a well-kept brownstone on Berkeley Place near Seventh Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn — was found dead covered in soot and lying in a trough between the tracks.
Police believe that she had been bar-hopping earlier in the night and got drunk and stumbled off the platform, fatally hitting her head, sources said.
She was dressed in stylish high-heel boots and black leather pants at the time.
I'm not sure how the details of her living in a "well-kept brownstone" or what she was wearing have any bearing on the story, except that you know, it's the New York Post. They also published a picture of her holding a shot in her hand, which, really? Why is that necessary? Show me a young New Yorker who hasn't stumbled home drunk at least once and I'll show you a liar. This poor girl did what many have done before her, and, it seems, suffered a horrible accidental death. The Post can suck it. RIP Emily.