Thieving Thieves Are On The Rise 'Round These Parts

Over the past few months we've heard pah-lenty of accounts of some local man or woman who's walking down the street while tweeting/texting/sexting/words-with-friends-ing on their smart phone, when suddenly a thief runs by and yanks the expensive piece of equipment right out of his or her hand.
According to the The NY Post, these kinds of thefts are on the rise in pricier neighborhoods:
"Throughout Carroll Gardens, Park Slope and Red Hook, the quick-footed thieves are targeting tipsy revelers, distracted shoppers and anyone with earbuds oblivious of his surroundings, police sources say.
The 78th Precinct, which covers Park Slope, has seen a 32 percent rise in robberies."
Keep your friends close, but your expensive gadgets closer, people. Like, strapped-to-the-body close.