Say that four times fast: Googamooga saga, Googamooga saga, Googamooga saga...oh, forget it.
So after the dust has settled from the disaster of this afternoon's online registration for Googamooga, I got a personal email from the Kevin Hartz, CEO of EventBrite, taking full blame for all of the problems people had with registering.
Hi Amanda,
As you wrote about today, Eventbrite had site issues this morning, making it difficult for some people to register for GoogaMooga. This outage falls entirely on us, and we take this type of rare occurrence very seriously.
While there were people who were successful in securing early registration tickets for GoogaMooga, unfortunately, we also let a lot of people down. In short, we had technical difficulties due to traffic and demand on our servers.
At Eventbrite, we are completely committed to offering a smooth, pain-free ticketing experience for event attendees and organizers, and we failed on that today. We are working together with the GoogaMooga event organizers to take care of everyone who was trying to get tickets today and fulfill all pending registration requests.
If you’d like to share this information with your readers:
-Customers who arrived on the confirmation screen, but who did not yet receive an email with confirmation of their registration, will be receiving a confirmation email shortly.
-More tickets will be released prior to the event, so folks should stay tuned to for more info.
-VIP tickets are not sold out, and are available here.
We are already putting measures in place to avoid similar issues for future large-scale events, and are committed to preventing this from happening again.Sincerely,
For what it's worth, I personally tried to register about four times this afternoon, and after entering my contact info, I received an error message.
About an hour ago, I got an email from EventBrite confirming my ticket reservation. Truthfully, I can't say for sure that this happened because I registered previously and they're working through their system, or because I created a snarky infographic detailing their shortcomings on a Brooklyn blog with a large audience.
Anyone else get confirmation emails tonight?