The Burger Bistro: Can we talk about that font?

When the popular Bay Ridge burger joint The Burger Bistro opened up last March on Fifth between Lincoln and Berkeley, there was a lot of excitment around this popular, well-reviewed establisment coming to the Slope. And while The Burger Bistro has had been pretty well-reviewed, I've yet to make my way in to try one of their burgers. The reason? I hate the font they used on their logo so hardcore.
I know that's totally ridiculous. I've heard wonderful things about the variety of burgers they offer (five patty varieties, six sauces, nine types of cheese, nine toppings!). Oh, and the make-your-own ice cream sandwich thing is right up my alley.
But that fucking font. It kills me. It looks like the type of font you'd see in Microsoft Publisher, circa 1995. The type of font your great aunt puts on her annual Christmas card "family update" letter. The font you'd see on the daily specials board at your high school cafeteria. What were they thinking? Could they not choose from some of the millions of commercially free available fonts out there? Pick something a little cooler and modern and sleek?
I get it - I'm being totally crazy. I just hate me some bad design. Am I alone out there?