The Best Iced Tea in Park Slope

It's no secret that I am an unabashed fan of Connecticut Muffin. A lot of that has to do with the fact that that I'm a tea drinker, and have forsaken coffee (thank a lot, reflux!). Anyhoo, all winter long I satisfied my tea fix with their Green Tea with Thai Flavors (Harney & Sons).
Once the mercury hits 65, it's all iced tea for me, which means I have a choice of black tea or regular old green tea. Or so I thought. Last week, my fave barista Betty -- who laughed with me, not at me, every time I would ask for Thai with Green Flavors on cold mornings when my brain hadn't warmed up yet -- asked me if I had tried my favorite flavor iced. Why, no, Betty I hadn't, because I didn't know you could request a custom made iced tea. I thought you had to go with whatever was ready-made in the giant pitcher.
Listen. This is the BEST iced tea. Sure it takes a little longer to wait for them to steep a very strong hot cup, and then pour it over ice, but I am telling you, it's worth it. Something about the coconut aroma makes you feel like you are on the beach.
Best of all, for all your ballers out there, school is out, so all the 321 moms who usually clog the benches are nowhere to be found (you're welcome). Well, I'll still be there, sippin' away, and imagining I'm in Phuket.