Moving On...Literally [TMI]

7 years ago today my mom, Marcia Goldstein died of Multiple Myeloma. On the day of her death-aversary, I LIKE TO WRITE ABOUT THE SHIT I'M GOING THROUGH, in the hopes it might help anyone else who's going through shit too.
We had just moved to Park Slope in early 2007 when things started to get really bad with my mom. I was a newlywed, recently returned from an Italian honeymoon to our charming Brooklyn Brownstone apartment...and two months later my mother died.
Needless to say, this time is forever etched in my memory.
But in the years since, I got used to the feelings of sadness that would inevitably come over me when I was in the back of the cab getting driven to JFK from Brooklyn. Remembering all the times I made this very same trip, staring out the window at the crumbling, ugly buildings and confronting the scary truth that my mom was soon going to die.
I had grown used to the pang of sadness I'd get when exiting the subway at 9th street, on the days I'd let my mind wander back to when my husband called me right as I exited that stop to say: "your brother's the end. We're booked on a flight leaving in 2 hours."