More Details Emerge About Park Slope Train Stabbing

Emil Benjamin / Via The Daily News
This past Monday there was a stabbing on a train in Park Slope. The details were vague at first -- was the man 29 or 30? Was it a G or an F train? What prompted the attack? -- but have since come together to paint a pretty fucked up picture.
30 year-old Emil Benjamin and his brother were on an F train around 9:40PM when two men approached and started hurling anti-Semitic slurs at them.
"They said, 'You're nobody, you Jewish bastard,' " Benjamin told the Daily News.
The men then jumped Benjamin, and the pummeling spilled from the train onto the platform once the train stopped at the 4th ave/9th street station. Benjamin landed a good punch on one of the guys, at which time they fled. That's when he realized he'd been stabbed.