If Marty Markowitz says the wait is over, then folks, shit's o-v-e-r.
The only thing I like more than eating fine food myself is making sure your asses are eating tons of it, too, so I can look impossibly thin while standing next to you (more deep fried cupcakes, oui?).
March 15th through the 25th, fancy-pants Brooklyn restaurants are offering three-course dinners for 25 bucks (and lunch for $20.10 for you, uh, "freelancers" in the nabe during the day) during Dine In Brooklyn. There are a whopping 35 Park Slope places on that list, including Applewood, Sette, al di la, Rose Water, and only nine zillion others. On my prohibitive writer's salary (full-disclosure: writing for FIPS does not a billionaire make), I know I'm stoked - especially when all I need to do to gorge myself is walk down the street. Don't lie; I know the idea pleases your lazy, poor (albeit gorgeous) selves, as well.
The deets are here, and the full restaurant list can be grabbed here. (An aside, not related to Slope - if you don't drag yourselves down to L&B if you've never been, I'll find you all and do things to you that I don't want to put in writing on the Internet.)
Maybe my Manhattan friends will actually come see me now? Maybe? Anyone? Guys, you listening?