Smallknot: Keeping Park Slope From Turning Into One Giant Herald Square.
Posted by:
Chinae |
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 12:00PM

For New Yorkers like me, who chose to flee fast and far from suburban places where the fanciest restaurants are Olive Gardens, the best coffee is from the Exxon/Mobile station, and all cutting edge clothing is found at The Gap, I've come to appreciate small, locally-owned businesses. Especially the ones in our own neighborhood.
Smallknot, a new fundraising program, exists to support and help these businesses do what they already do well (just better). Smallknot is an online fundraising system that allows a community to fund growth projects for small businesses with rewards for each donation level, similar to Kickstarter.
My first question was this: Why would I give a business my hard-earned dinero?