FiPS Is Giving Away 2 Tickets to The Jukebox: Comedy & Karaoke At Union Hall

Do you love comedy and karaoke as much as you love getting free shit? I thought so. That's why FiPS is giving away two FREE tickets to local popular hybrid show The Jukebox, which pairs -- you guessed it -- comedy and and karaoke ("Com-Karao-Dy?" Is that what you'd call it?). Anyway, here's how the evening works:
Everyone on the line-up performs something inspired by a song -- be it stand-up, a story, or a written piece -- then sings that song karaoke. Performers choose their own songs based on the theme for that month's show; each one is a type of playlist or mixtape. THE JUKEBOX is a comedy-karaoke hybrid, blending The Moth, Hot Tub, and Union Hall's own Karaoke Killed The Cat. It satiates the three founders' love of comedy, storytelling and life-changing karaoke.