Oliver Gets Stoop'd

So Spike Lee collab'd with Absolut on a new flavored vodka, Absolut Brooklyn. Have you seen this shit?
True confessions: I've yet to taste it, but the bottle itself looks pretty damn cool. It's supposedly a nod to the stoop where Lee grew up. "Harkening back to the decades-long notion that the stoop is truly the epicenter of creativity, culture and community, the bottle serves as an homage to that Brooklyn ideal of stoop life--where memories are made and ideas are sparked through conversation and camraderie."
Ok, I don't know about all that, cause my ass doesn't have a stoop. But we live in a neighborhood with a shitload of stoops and I often walk by and get all jel of the people sitting on them. And weirdly, Oliver often tries to walk up and sit on other people's stoops. So all this talk about stoops got me thinking: LET'S TAKE SOME PICS OF OLIVER ON STOOPS! YAY STOOPS! YAY OLIVER! YAY BROOKLYN!