5 questions with Park Slope's Al Fliction, Tattoo Artist
Posted by:
Vee |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 3:00PM

Photo via Gowanuslounge.com
Born and raised on St. John Place between 6th and 7th Avenue, Al Fliction grew up airbrushing t-shirts and graffiting the NYC landscape. Now an owner of two tattoo shops, with a Brooklyn location at 1626 Bedford Ave, he specializes in urban tattoo inking reminiscent of the street art of his youth. Tonight he is taking over Spike Network's InkMaster show with his urban tattoo style.
Al is having a launch party for the show's premiere tonight at 200 Fifth sports bar. The party begins at 8pm and the show airs at 10PM. A few days ago I had a nice email exchange with the artist, who answered a few questions about his own tattoos, and what it was like to grow up in the Slope.
al fliction