STUPID CUPID: Profile of the brainy editor with a Patrón habit
Posted by:
Vee |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 12:00PM

February ends today, and we're going out with a little something extra for you singles on Leap Day. Check out Rebecca, the PhD-toting science journal editor who resides in the South Slope. On a Friday night, you're most likely to catch Rebecca slumped on her couch wishing for more Downton Abbey to watch, or drinking Jameson with friends somewhere divey.
We asked Rebecca to sell us on her favorite dive bar and she said:
"Brookvin. I know it's not technically a dive bar, but I like that I can start off with my usual shot of Patrón, then some Powers whiskey, and THEN have some really good wine. And then of course there's Quinn. Are we supposed to say Jackie's 5th Amendment?"
Rebecca may have high standards for her drinks, but she loves a good discount. Her Park Slope guilty pleasure is totally D2 (Deals and Discounts), where she shops for ill-fitting bras or something to appease her toddler. That's right, she's got a 2 and half year old already living with her, so this girl has no time for more boys in her life:
Never before in history has there been such a glut of marriageable bachelors clinging to the remnants of their carefree youths. Park Slope is rife with Peter Pans.
Interested in proving Rebecca wrong over drinks? Email her at to discuss the virtues of Jackie's 5th Amendment, Downton Abbey, and your thoughts on the latest in neuroscience.
stupid cupid