STFU Book Contest Winner Revealed!
Posted by:
Effed in Park Slope |
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 2:00PM

Last week, we let you know about the awesomely hilarious book coming out based on the awesomely hilarious blog STFU Parents. We asked you to give us your best examples of parental oversharing in your social media universe, and we asked the author of the book, Blair Koenig to pick her favorite to receive a FREE copy. And the winner is...
Congratulations, Nicole H.!*
Thanks to everyone who shared their tales of being tortured by oversharing. If you want to commiserate with like-minded people, there's a book "shower" tonight at Housing Works in SoHo tonight from 7-9. RSVP here if you want to go.
*We will send an e-mail to the account you provided when you signed in to comment. Be on the lookout!