SF Company Bribes Applicants with Hipster Make-over!

A San Francisco tech/software engineering company, adorably and abhor-ably named Hipster, is recruiting potential employees with the promise of transforming them from their perfectly acceptable selves into bona fide, BBurg-livin', urban bohemians.
The idea behind the strategy is as follows, via the NYT:
“As you know, recruiting is insanely competitive right now, so we wanted to do something that would break through the noise, and get the attention of the people we’re trying to reach,” said Doug Ludlow, one of the founders of the company.
Mr. Ludlow said the reward would be delivered to anyone hired through the campaign or to anyone who referred someone who was then hired.
The transformational reward includes a bribe of 10K (fuckin’ A), a year’s supply of PBR and all the accoutrements of hipsterdom: i.e. goofy bastard glasses, skinny jeans and new (but tattered-looking) boots. From the above picture it appears that they’re also furnishing skulls with mullets -- I don’t even know what the world is coming to at this point.
On the other hand, it’s kind of hard for me to be upset with a company that’s offering free beer to its employees, as I think it would rock if all of my former and current employers would accept invoices for all the booze I consume. But this whole Hipster package is just…out of control. See below:
Your Hipster Package
Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that a company is looking into their future employees’ interests and all (see: beer), but isn’t this taking it a little bit…far? Pigeon-holey? Anti-individuality-y? 1984: the Hipster Years-y? Help me find the words, people; I’m losing my marbles here.