Scott Rogowsky Surprises Potential Roommates With a Talk Show

We here at FIPS are big fans of neighborhood comedian Scott Rogowsky. Whether he's trying to find a girlfriend by dating local, or trying to become a member of the Wolf Pack, he cracks us up with his Slope-centric sense of humor. Still, nothing he's done before quite comes close to his latest endeavor:
A couple months ago I needed a roommate, so I produced a talk show in my apartment, complete with a live studio audience, four cameras, and Gilbert Gottfried, Andrew W.K., and Michael Gregory of The Gregory Brothers playing sidekick, musical guest, and bandleader, respectively. I then solicited potential roommates (aka talk show guests) via Craigslist with an ad for an open house.
Scott, you're nuts, and you've got balls. Click here for the full series.