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image via Park Slope Lens

Ok, so I went to PSBklyn the weekend before last, and here's what went down:

1. Everyone was nice as shit. Like BEYOND nice. From the dude I talked to on the phone, to the flighty waitress, to the busboys. From top to bottom, those btchz were NICE. Before we arrived they told us that the were just in their soft-opening phase, so we should expect a limited menu and also it was cash only. Ok, no problemo.

2. The food was pretty good. I got a burger, and despite the fact that my waitress didn't ask me how I wanted it cooked, it was cooked to a perfect medium rare (which was great for me). The fries were good too and seemed freshly cut and homemade.

3. Service was a bit of a mess. While our waitress was lovely, she couldn't remember a damn thing we ordered. She told us at the end of the night that their computer was not working (which would have been something that was worth mentioning at the START of the meal), but yeah: most of our orders were messed up in some way or another. Pads of paper are kinda useful to use when computers aren't working, but maybe that's just.

4. 2 people in our party ordered "chicken under a brick." When we asked what came with that, the waitress wasn't sure, went back to the kitchen, asked, and then came and told us it was mashed potatoes. When the chicken arrived at our table, it was covered by a pile of lettuce. There was no explanation. When we asked about it, she said "oh, sorry....we ran out of mashed potatoes. A. Hunh? You *just* told us that mashed potatoes came with it! B. After making such a big dealio about what came with the dish in the first place, you'd think she'd let us know that a substitution was being made. OR, perhaps allow us to choose what we'd like to substitute the mashed potatoes with. In both cases "a gigantic pile of lettuce" was not it.

5. 3 of us ordered the ahi tuna appetizer. What arrived at our table was pate on crackers. Perhaps it was tuna pate, I suppose? But when I think of ahi tuna I think of rare pieces of sliced ahi. That was a major buzzkill (even though the app that we got was tasty). So either we got the wrong thing, or they need to re-work their menu to say tuna pate, cause that shit was confusing.

6. They were a bit overstaffed...which sounds funny to say, cause you'd think: the more waitstaff the better! But it actually made for quite a bit of confusion. We had to order a second bottle of wine 3 times with 3 different people before we actually got it. And while for one brief moment, someone had ordered and then cancelled a glass of Chardonnay, mysteriously, a lone glass of Chardonnay kept making it's way back to the table several times throughout the night.

7. The kid thing was WAY THE HELL to over the top for me. Now in fairness, we were with friends who had a baby, so we *were* seated in the kids section. However, the kids section (which wasn't even packed) was STILL like a combination of Two Boots at 12pm on Sunday, multiplied by a class at Kidville, divided by the Park Slope Halloween Parade and then multiplied again by the number of pages in Amy Sohn's book. There is a section in front for the BALLERS, but I'm just not quite sure how this "everything to everyone" policy is gonna work out. Like even if we were seated up front with the kidless adults, the noise level and commotion throughout the rest of the joint still would have been way to much for me on a normal night out where I'm just trying to enjoy my dinner. Perhaps if I came back at 9pm or so, all the kids would be gone, but otherwise, I can't see myself trying the place unless it's latenight due to the kiddie craziness.

8. The "arcade" downstairs was cool as hell. If you can send your kids down there and ignore em for two hours, DO IT. They will love it and you will love it, and everyone will be happy. However, also keep in mind there is no supervision down there. After the first unsuspecting Park Slope bebe gets punched in the face by another Park Slope douchebag kid, I'm wondering how long that basement gameroom will be sticking around.

9. The place looked nice and bright.

10. They have a coat check! Loved that.

Ok, so all in all: it was a pretty good experience. The food was pretty tasty and I understand they have some kinks to work out as they get themselves up and running. I am def willing to check out this place again.

But also: be warned BALLERS...the kid factor there is no joke. So def proceed with caution.

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