Reflections on A Brooklyn Hipster Brunch

Raise your hand if you watch Bitchin' Kitchen. No, I don't either. In my world, forced comedy and cooking never overlap (except when I cut my thumb with a mandoline... like a dumbass). But Nadia G, the Cooking Channel's blogger turned television host is alledgedly a master of cooking up comedy, music and good food. I'll let them describe her for you: "She's young, funny and can cook up a storm in three-inch cherry stiletto heels. Bad-girl chef Nadia G. whips up the perfect blend of food and humor for any occasion." And she's Canadian, so there's that.
Now she's taking on that wily beast, the Brooklyn hipster. In her latest music video sketch called "Brooklyn Hipster Brunch," we see Ms. G. dancing around in cut-offs and tights in a crowded café with a highly curated crowd. Here, just watch the video for yourself:
Lyrical hightlights:
"Come and chill while daddy pays the bills."
"Girlies so fly with their mom jean's tush, boys' faces hairy like a 70's bush."
"But don't you eat that vegan ham. Photoshop it, crop it, drop it on Instagram."
That last one did make me laugh. But watered-down hip-hop? Really? There are so many questions. First, why? Second, I'll answer that. The world is still clearly obsessed with making fun of hipsters and that's probably because they are super-easy targets.
But is this really what brunch in Billie's Burg is all about? I mean, we may be a lot of things in this hood, but I don't think we're that bad? Am I wrong?
Also, on a personal note, if you want to see what I feel is the pièce de résistance of making fun of hipsters, just watch this:
As a You Tube commenter aptly pointed out: "I knew about The Obesity Epidemic before Jimmy Kimmel made them up."