Or maybe I should speak for myself. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!
According to this post from Park Slope Patch, the following events took place:
- Some poor dude came home to find a suspicious scene in his apt.
- His window screen was pried off.
- There were bloody paw prints on the floor.
- His sweet 6-month-old cat was lying dead in his bathtub, with it's intestines splayed all over the place.
"It was pretty gruesome, like blood-spattered-on-the-wall gruesome," said Justin Hogan. Nigel (his cat) had been ripped open and his intestines were spilling out. Although there were no other animals in the apartment when he got home, Hogan feels certain that his cat was attacked by a raccoon."
Apparently all signs point to a raccoon as the guy also found distinctive claw marks on his container of kitty treats.
Again, O-M-F-G.
I fucking hate cats, and even I'm crying onto my macbook air right now. Jaysus, that's unbelievably horrible.
This raccoon shit is no joke people. Apparently this sort of behavior is very unusual for a raccoon, and so speculation is already running rampant that we might have a rabid one on the loose.
Obviously this is all conjecture at the mo, but for the love of gawd Park Slope, keep your goddamned windows closed if you have pets and live close to trees and/or have fire escapes. Shit, keep em closed even if you don't have pets and just want to avoid getting your apt ransacked.
These raccoon bitches are the real deal.