Q: How Stupid Are Women Who Breast feed? A: Very?
Or something like that.
Apparently there was this whole study conducted, and the results showed that people do, in fact, hold biases toward women who got milk:
"According to the study breastfeeding mothers are viewed by potential employers as being "significantly less competent in general, in math and work specifically."
Only, oopsie: the study was conducted amongst college students, who don't know shit about shit anyway. Unless your study is about how to cheat on research papers or who they can buy some Aderall from, I think it's safe to say that those results probs don't mean a whole lot.
Personally, I do think breast feeding women are stupid, but not cause they're breast feeding...who the hell cares about that! Cause they had a baby in the first place.
(via Gothamist)
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