PROSPECT PARK GOOSE WATCH: To Gas, or not to Gas? That is the question.

It’s been a year since the USDA gassed the shit out of 400 Prospect Park geese, but here's some good news: they won’t be performing a repeat goose-o-cide this year! Why? Maybe because there are only 26 geese left anyway so it’s a waste of time. Or maybe they were afraid of geese activists threatening to foil their evil plan!
Anticipating that the USDA might come back this year for the park’s remaining 26 geese before the expiration of the city’s kill contract with the agency on June 30, one group of geese enthusiasts even started a late-night “Goose Watch” to keep an eye on the geese in the park’s off hours.
If the USDA arrived, the Goose Watch planned to send out a mass text message and phone call to its army of supporters, who would then descend noisily upon the park in hopes of scaring off the geese.
Seriously, how awesome would it have been if the Goose Watch peeps got to carry out their plan of “descending noisily on the park?" I’m picturing them flapping their arms and honking out nasal, goose calls as they plow rambunctiously through the park. I'd like the chance to descend noisily upon ANYTHING because it sounds BADASS.
Unfortunately, the plan for a goose-protecting coup d'état wasn’t the reason our geese were spared. It was mostly just the lack of leftovers from their kill last year, combined with the need to focus efforts on killing the other 800+ geese throughout the rest of NYC.
Oh, I probably should have mentioned that. They’re DEFINITELY still doing it everywhere else, so it’s not technically a victory. So put on your gas masks and get to honking and flapping, Goose Watch!