Praise Jesus: Girl Scout Cookie Pop-Up Stores In NYC

Well it's that time of year again. No not Easter you's time to celebrate Girl Scout cookie season!
Back in the day I was a Daisy, and shortly afterward graduated to Brownies...but alas, I never did make it to the Girl Scouts. I do, however, remember walking around the burbs, feet blistered and bleeding from the miles upon miles I trudged in an effort to sell sugary sweetness to my nabes. I really didn't care about making money for anyone though. Nope, this was all done because I was desperate to claim my cookie badge, which after procured, ended up getting hot glued onto my fucking sash because my mother is incapable of sewing, or doing any other sort of domesticated activity, but I digress.
Long gone are the days of Girl Scouts sauntering door-to-door to sell their tasty treasures to us (potentially inappropriate and/or illegal choice of words? apologies). So, since Girl Scouts are no longer allowed to hit the streets, these little business women have decided to open pop-up stores in each of the five boroughs. Genius.
The one in BK is at St. George Episcopal Church CDC Building 452 Gates Avenue. Only hitch is, they're only open Tues, Weds & Thurs from 3:30-7:30.
Go forth and claim your glorious Thin Mints! You're welcome.

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