Pork Slope has brunch now and OMFG

These pancakes aren't on the menu at Pork Slope, but you get the point.
I realize it's like, noon, and you probably haven't even decided what you're going to eat for lunch yet, yet alone what you'll be eating for brunch this weekend. But Pork Slope (247 5th Ave) is launching a brunch menu this weekend and holy shit you guys - I want to eat it all.
At first I was like, 'It's kind of crazy that Pork Slope hasn't had brunch before, no?' And then I remembered that Pork Slope opened as sort of an upscale dive bar and upscale dive bars don't have brunch. So why the change? Dale Talde breaks down the reason behind the shift to FIPS: "We realized that what we wanted and what the neighborhood wanted were two different things," Talde said. "People don't want a down and dirty bar at noon. People want brunch. They want a place to watch the game and eat some good food and enjoy themselves. So that's what we're giving them." Owner David Massoni added, "We like to think of ourselves as the owners of our restuarants, but really, it's the neighborhood. The neighborhood pays our bills. So if they want brunch, we'll give them brunch!"
But just like their other restaurants, Dale Talde's not just giving us buttermilk pancakes and omelets at Pork Slope brunch. Just look at the menu:
I WANT IT ALL. But mainly the McDowell's Griddle. And maybe The King. And the Breakfast Burrito. With a side of corn bread.
Pork Slope's brunch will be served Saturdays and Sundays from 11-4. Because of that, they're now closed for lunch on Fridays. But if that's the price we have to pay, that's the price we have to pay. Who's in?