Park Slope Parents: How Do You Explain Not-So-Easy-to-Explain things to your kids?
Posted by:
Kerri |
Friday, December 28, 2012 at 7:00AM

Recently, I was walking down 5th Avenue when I witnessed a young boy, maybe 5, ask his father what food poisoning was. The dad scratched his chin. "When your stomach is upset," he explained, "it cries out of your butthole."
The boy shrugged in a way that said, OK, sure, that makes sense, and then asked if they could go for frozen yogurt. He didn't ask his father why we cry out of our butts, or what could possibly upset our stomaches.
Park Slope parents, I ask you: How do YOU explain not-so-easy-to-explain things to your kids? Like sex, for example? Or unnatural bodily functions? Are you completely straight with them? Or do you make shit up?