Park Slope is less slutty than Williamsburg, more slutty than Bay Ridge. Discuss.
Posted by:
Thomas |
Monday, November 11, 2013 at 7:01AM

The good people at* have taken data from the 2012 NYC Community Health Survey, and created a handy map of neighborhoods in all five boroughs to figure out which parts of town enjoy a "healthy dose of promiscuity."
A healthy dose of promiscuity, apparently, means that you've had more than three sex partners in the past twelve months. Not exactly three. Three or MORE than three. So, like, if you had six thousand sex partners in a year, because you're Elliot Spitzer or something, that would still be defined as "healthy." Okay. Fine. Whatever. The community health survey didn't let disgraced politicians skew any averages. I get it.
According to the survey (and the resulting map) Park Slope is not particularly slutty. Only 5.6% of the residents of Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn had three or more sex partners in the last twelve months. Bo-ring! Contrast that with East Harlem, where nearly 20% of residents are fucking around.
Still, I have questions. How are they drawing these boundaries? Park Slope gets lumped in with Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn? Huh?
Also, why does the government care how much sex we're having? Is the NSA hacking the hook-up app on your phone to find out how often you're getting your dick wet? Are your Carlos Danger selfies going to show up on Wikileaks someday?
And most importantly, does oral count?
* I don't know them, personally. They could be quite horrible, actually.