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Park Slope Hypocrisy Watch: Netflix

Netflix is a benevolent, internet-age lovecompany whose engineers spend all day playing foosball and volunteering in soup kitchens like the random hippie jerkoffs pictured above.

Well at least, that's what they WANT ya to think, because that's what gets yuppies to give up their money fastest these days.

The reality though, according to one local video-store owner, is that Netflix is so evil it makes Starbucks look like Gorilla Coffee.

That's right: a Brooklyn video store proprietor who wishes to remain nameless told me on Wednesday evening that the danger that Netflix presents to his livelihood cannot be overstated. He blames Netflix exclusively for cutting his business to 50% of what it was just 5 years ago.

Maybe they should try this slogan: Netflix: KILLING the little guy.

Jesus christ, the irony is delectable: Netflix is synonymous with the Park Slope progressive lifestyle!

Think about all those good looking macrobiotic vegans coming out of Second Helpings with their Noam Chomsky books and sustainable organic woolly hats. Progressive Citizens! ... Too bad it's all RUINED when they walk to the corner, open the mailbox, and sneak a Netflix CD out from between the pages of their Edward Said text. Damn; Never would have guessed she was a hypocrite.

Now for me personally, I love Netflix, but I also love Starbucks and Chicken Tenders from Burger King, so I'm not exactly hypocritical on this issue. Shit, I go to Union Market and buy 100$ worth of shit and then steal a candybar from the bodega on the way back home.

The question is: do YOU love Netflix? Cause like, I thought YOU were sustainable and organic and shit? So how can you justify using Netflix and helping to put your local mom n pop video store out of business? Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. 

What's wrong - don't feel like dealing with holier-than-thou judgemental store clerks, shleps to the video store, videos never being in stock, and a few late charges here and there?

Jesus, asshole, I thought you cared about this community.

Reader Comments (13)

Netfilx is the fucking best. Better product, better selection, better service. And didn't Blockbuster kill Mom and Pop Video about 20 years ago?

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHoyt Pollard

Yeah, so sorry little video store, time to suck it up. Netflix is a better service more tailored towards the modern lifestyle. You fucking loose. I bet all the horse raising folks back in the day shook their fists and Henry Ford for his "evil" car thingy too. Convenience will dominate, stop wining and start innovating.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTyler

OK Netflix. I just called you "the fucking best." Now send me my "Wall-E" DVD. It's been out since November.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHoyt Pollard

hahaha steal a candybar on the way back from union market.
i love you fips

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentera;lskdgs

I started using Netflix to avoid eye contact with asshole from Video Forum. Don't judge me prick. Yes, I am sure I want to rent Olsen Twin vehicles Getting There, When in Rome and New York Minute. No, they are not for my tweenage child, you intrusive fuck.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStephen Elliot

Netflix doesn't have too long before they are up the creek, either. Once the current PPV system for HD movies becomes a little cheaper, Netflix is Netfucked.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMr. Ius

I wouldn't have to use netflix if windsor terrace had a damn video store.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterD

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Same as the ecoterrorist Prius driving motherfuckers whom I want to give a good homicide to.

Smug. Self-righteous. Wrong.

But, uh, I do use Netflix and I can walk to Whole Foods, but eat a dick Prius driving homos, let's race! I'll bring my kid's Razor scooter or my wife's ice skates. It's like those hazards are powered by estrogen.

I'm so high.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterty

Brooklyn still has video stores?

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrickdees

I live in Bay Ridge, which isn't quite as "hip" as Slope yet, however, everyone here is a flixer too. When mom and pop can offer my broke ass the same selection for the same price, then I shall patron that joint like I had cancer and my last dying wish was to see every Bollywood flick ever made. Until then Netflix all the way.

February 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBig Will The Champ

You forget iTunes and No postage, no having to go to the mailbox, and no fighting with the significant other about what to watch. Sure, the selection is evolving slowly, but by the time you figure it out they'll probably have every Santa Sangre fan's faves up there ready to download. I just cancelled my nextflix subscription.

Oh, and don't steal from the Bodega.

February 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAuthor

When M&P stream NF's instant library to my TV for the cost of $10 a month + one $8 cable we can talk, until then Godspeed M&P.
I thought you were going to say that NF was dumping a 100 million tons of sludge BP style into Lake Michigan or something.
Even the most progressive among us have to say yes to efficiency at some point.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBangPotential

I gave up my Netflix a while ago because we tend to order on demand a bunch. I actually miss going to the video store - I wish I still could. I miss that thinking-of-a-movie-to-rent-and-going-to-rent-it-that-night experience.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

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