Park Slope Craigslist Blotter
RIDE SHARE: Moving to Charlottesville
You know the rules, amigo. Gas, ass or grass? Actually scratch that. Just read the post and this person claims to have no room in the truck for another rider. Just more stuff. High potential for a dangerous scam.
I understand how desperate you must be if you lose your wallet but this just never works. Nobody is going to look through Craigslist to find you. Although, I did hear that if you find a lost wallet and dump it in a mailbox, they'll deliver it to the address on the license.
Usually these are for some kind of charity, but this looks like just some lady doing it in front of her house. Not that I'm complaining. Who doesn't like home baked cupcakes?
Don't fuck my wife, bro! I want to watch you softly make love to her until she cums HARD. Possibly a scam or the whole word is going insane. Whatever.
Some handy (zing!) facts about masturbating start this post off. Hurts nobody huh? Not the way I do it, mister. Eventually this guy gets to the point. He wants to jerk off together. Just watch some porn and jerk off in the same hot tub or whatever. Relax, it's totally not gay. Randy Marsh did it.
A few weeks ago, we asked what the Pitstop is. And this week we finally got our answer. It's a monthly gay male orgy hosted in the Slope. Rules? We don't need no stinkin’ rules. Oh, condoms. Yeah, actually. That's a great rule to have guys. Cool. Great poster by the way.
Altercation over a parking space. The guy in the truck was rude and I don't want to defend him but it reads like the kid was already inside the hospital. He's not in the car. What's the rush Superdad? You're not a doctor. Maybe construction guy has somebody in the hospital too. He's probably not just parking there to go to Five Guys you know? Feels like we're just assuming he doesn't belong there because he's blue collar. If I'm him, I've got somebody in the hospital and I beat you to the spot when you yell out the door like a maniac about your son? I'd say too bad, so sad, and park.
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