Park Slope – Craigslist Blotter

The Double Windsor is cool and so are Trivia Nights. If you want to find out if you connect with a new person go to trivia with them. You learn what they drink, what they are into, how competitive they are, if they're smart and if they're funny. It worked for me. Hopefully this girl tried going again the next week to meet our mystery man. "Those Were The Days" will be their wedding song.
Not sure if you've heard about it yet but NYC had a marathon last week. This woman, 29 years old, met a man while running it and she'd like to talk to him more. Sweaty, hurting, nipples bleeding and both of them doing anything and everything to keep their bowels from releasing all over their cramping calves but they made a connection. If that doesn't give you hope, nothing will. Maybe these two will get together so they could enjoy the smell of their own pompous farts.
Full confession. When I became of age to be interested in such things, the internet's sex game wasn't as strong as it is now. Movies were difficult to play. Even pictures took a bit to load. So I read erotic fiction. This MISSED CONNECTION brought me back to that time. And I got hardddddd.
There are a lot of bars on 4th avenue that I've never been to. I haven't heard of this place but I looked it up and it seems cool. I have mixed feelings on Karaoke. Watching it is fun but I'm not super interested in doing it. It's like professional wrestling. Go anyway and support 4th Avenue.
Aren't we all? This dude has been looking for a drummer forever. Since I started doing this and probably before. For his music tastes he lists just about everything except Gregorian chant. Must be a Protestant. Are there no drummers in Park Slope? One of you moms or dads used to play. Had to. Shoot an e-mail here.
Good news. There is no such thing as hate. It's just something the Jews constructed to garner sympathy. They used the media to do it. Then all the other ethnic groups copied it. 9/11 was a Zionist plot and the Holocaust was an elaborate hoax. Ugh. This isn't your grandmother. This is a person who is internet savvy enough to submit a "Rant & Rave" to Craigslist. Hi, person who wrote this. I can tell you for a fact there is hate in this world. Because I fucking hate you.
There isn't much information to this post. So you are left wondering a lot of things. Is this an exaggeration? Where can you even put 2000 hangers? They aren't going to fit in your closet. Can I just have like 15 or 20 good ones? This is a hanger factory that's gone out of business. They couldn't find a market for hangers that specialized in women's underwear. I don't know how a hanger could be just for women's underwear. I'm picturing something made out of rolled up tinfoil. I try to throw my winter coat on it and it rips completely off the bar.
Every week we’ll cover the most expensive 1 BR apartment for rent in Park Slope.
This week we're trying something different. This is the most expensive 1 BR sublet in Park Slope. $2500 for lots of space near Grand Army Plaza. Utilities are included. You are close enough to the park to catch a runaway horse too. I'd give him a person's name. I love pets with people names. Don't know how you'd get him in the elevator though. And good luck trying to clean a horse's litter box.