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Park Slope Couple Wants to Share a Pooch


I know this made it to Craigslist blotter on Friday, but this sounded so delightfully crazy, I felt we needed to take a moment to revisit it.

I present to you again, "Want to Co-Raise a Cockapoo Puppy in Park Slope" (listen to this while reading):

We are a young newly married Park Slope couple who would love to get a puppy. We have our eye on a super cute mini red cockapoo that was born a few weeks ago and would be ready to take home in early May. The problem is that we both work 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday and believe that puppies should have lots of human attention and affection. 

Rather than get a puppy and put it in daycare, we thought it might be fun to co-raise a puppy with someone in the neighborhood who had a different work schedule or who worked from home and wanted more puppy time during the day. Also, it seems like a nice way to make new friends in the neighborhood since we just moved in a few months ago.

We are a nice, easy going, fun, active couple who both work full time and spend time doing yoga and going for runs in the park. We just moved to our Park Slope apt (Union Street btw 5th and 6th ave) and absolutely love the neighborhood. Our apartment is a large 1 bedroom duplex with a great outdoor space that the puppy should enjoy.

Shoot us an email and we can chat about co-raising a puppy!

(Oh, Rupert Holmes, would you raise a puppy with me?) 

To me, these people start off sounding super sweet. Newly married...awwww; both hardworking...great; love the hood...ok check, check and check; oh, and we want to share a puppy with a complete then they finish sounding batshit crazy. 

Um, am I the only one who thinks that's an awful idea? Please tell me. Be honest. 'Cause I do. First of all there are so many questions:

  • Where is the puppy's primary residence? 
  • Do they switch at different times of day? Every other week? Weekends?  
  • Holidays? What the hell happens on holidays? Who doesn't want their pooch by their side on the highest of holy days? Although if they do a Jew/Christian split they'll just have to fight out Thanksgiving. 
  • Is this chump just walking the dog while they're at work and then at night this couple gets to, like, take it out once and snuggle with it in their spacious duplex? ('Cause that's called dog walking, there are many people you can actually hire to do that for you and then the puppy can be 100% yours without all the logistical nightmares that will undoubtedly ensue when you try to co-own a puppy.) 
  • How are they splitting costs? Dogs are expensive yo. Is this a 50/50 split. What happens when one of the owner wants to invest in doggy North Face but the others aren't down?
  • What happens when said couple has a baby? Moves out of the 'hood? Splits up? Does this co-owner have to say a heart-wrenching goodbye when couple and baby and pooch move to Montclair and have a sweet house and backyard? 
  • Hasn't anyone learned anything from watching The Next Best Thing?   

That all being said. Puppy couple, if you're real and this post wasn't just a trap to get crazy 'hood blogs like ours to fly off the handle, and you make this work, we will happily eat our hats. 


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