Park Slope Celeb Roll Call: You Win Some, You Lose Some

Last week, The Observer reported that Rory Kennedy has sold her fabulous, though blandly decorated, townhouse on Montgomery Place for $3.45 million, having bought it in 2004 for $1.5 million. Dayum, girl, that's a nice chunk o' cheddar. The Observer seems to think this will give all of us Park Slope starfuckers a giant case of the sads, but did her presence here really do *that* much for the neighborhood? If you had passed her on the street, would you have bothered to Tweet that news to the world? Yes, she is a highly respected documentarian, but isn't that a little...boring? I'm not saying that I'm glad to see her go, but holy shitballs, guess who bought her house? Motherfucking Tony winner Robert Lopez, co-creator of Avenue Q and The Book of Mormon. Look, I care about the poverty in Appalachia and the nukes at Indian Point as much as the next gal, but I am more than a little excited that I could be standing in line for fish at the farmer's market behind the guy who co-wrote songs like "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" and "The Internet Is For Porn."