Organic Panic: No Not A Shortage of Kale, But a Plethora of Good Gaming

For all you gaming nerds out there in the 'hood, you may be happy to know that a whole team of Park Slopers is hard at work on developing a pretty awesome video game. It's called Organic Panic and its description makes me sorta happy: "Meat & Cheese battle Fruit & Veg in a quirky physics puzzler featuring real fluids, totally destructible levels, real fire, and an in-game editor to build and share your own levels!" Real fluids you say?
The Park Slope influence is felt full tilt as organic fruit and vegetables battle evil animal-based food products in a battle of "mind-bending puzzles" and advanced physics. That's right, fruits and vegetables, once the low-lifes of our food pyramid and the bane of every child's existence, are no longer the wilty heroes of a Coop member's affection, but total fighting bad asses. Oh, did I mention the game will give players the chance to actually create, build and share their own levels? Yes, actually I did mention that above, but how frickin' awesome is that? Also for extra special nerdery, there is also a cool comic component drawn by Park Slope artist extraordinaire Brad Johansen.
You can also check this PC Gamer write up here.
The game itself has been five years in making and was started as the brain child of Damon and Anatole Branch both of whom founded and run their game programming company Last Limb LLC from their Park Slope apartments. Damon and Anatole had garnered fairly impressive resumes in the fields of game programming and animation when they both decided to quit their jobs and make a unique new type of game. And here they are, well on their way, but they need some help to finish the project up. So the Last Limb team started a Kickstarter campaign, like you do when you need money to finish something. They have about 20 or so days to raise 40K. If you're feeling too lazy to click over to their project page, I've embedded the video below.
So, like everything else in this neighborhood: Game local. Support the guys who bring you games fresh from their screens to yours.