Open Thread: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, FiPSTERS! Did you dress up for work today (if so, were you the only one)? What's the most creative costume you've seen this year (mine: a dude wearing only underwear, which had a small potato tied to the front of it, and a single angel wing strapped to his right shoulder. What was he? A "right-winged dictator." HEYYO!)
How's your weekend been? Did the autumn snowpocalypse ruin your Saturday night plans? Or are you celebrating tonight? Are your vegan friends over the fucking moon about this new, all-natural, dairy-free candy? Look at me, nattering on like Six from Blossom. I'm moving today, so I've spent all weekend both packing and engaging in a showdown with this one creepy, crawly bug who keeps taunting me from the ceiling. So I must live vicariously through you guys. Tell me all about your Halloween weekend!