One More Reason To Avoid Atlantic Center

I have yet another reason not to go to the Atlantic Center. First, I had to stop going to Target when they began hatin' on the gays. Then, there was that time when two Hasidic Jews got into an altercation with a Dominican chick right in front of me in line at the DSW. And now, in other parts of the country, people are killing each other in order to get a good parking space at Chuck E. Cheese.
Yeah, so some guy (allegedly) got into an argument with another guy over a parking space at Chuck E. Cheese in Walnut Park, California, and when the matter wasn't resolved to his satisfaction, the dude pulls out a gun, shoots the other guy and leaves. Now the cops are looking for him.
Upon hearing this a child might think, What a shame! Now they won't be able to play skee-ball and eat cardboard-flavored pizza while watching animatronic mice play musical instruments. Those of you who are grown-ups may be thinking something else; namely: Well, I can understand why someone would take a gun to a Chuck E. Cheese. Too bad they didn't get past the parking lot with it.
I had no idea that Chuck E. Cheese was so popular. And since I don't have kids, I never had an intention to go to the Chuck E. Cheese at the Atlantic Center. But that underground parking garage under the Pathmark looks like the kind of place where someone might get shot. And if you've ever parked a car there, you know that people disregard the yellow lines with impunity. And I will certainly not be circling for parking if it means I'm gonna' get shot in the face over the one decent spot I might manage to find on Hansen St. So I'm staying the hell away from that shit.
Now...what do do about the Costco on 3rd Avenue...